We’ve found a way to dress you up for Easter, with this Easter bunny mask craft for kids! Use these easy kids Easter crafts to make your own costume.
Maybe with this disguise you will be able to catch a glimpse of the REAL Easter bunny!
Lots of people have asked me how to DIY Easter bunny costume and I think the mask is the best part!! You can easily add an all white outfit to complete your Easter bunny look!
DIY Easter Bunny Costume
We have all tried to pretend to sleep so we can try to see the Easter bunny with our own eyes.
But, he is magical and makes sure we never catch him leaving treats.
He’s a stealthy and very quiet little animal (or maybe he is big, we will never know).
This costume will allow you to become the Easter bunny yourself. Dress up and hand out treats to your family and friends during the holiday period.
You can even give everyone a paper plate treat basket to store their goodies in.
I absolutely adore mask crafts for kids and have made a Mardi Gras mask and a paper plate cat mask also.
Easter Bunny Mask Craft Costume – Easter Bunny Costume DIY
Maybe with this disguise you can trick your friends into thinking YOU are the Easter bunny! Find out how to make an Easter Bunny costume below.
Craft Supplies:
- Cardboard
- Construction paper (pink)
- Cotton balls
- Pipe cleaners
- String
- Pom Pom (pink)
- Glue
- Scissors
- Clip or bobby pin
Step #1:
Trace a shape of a mask and add two big bunny ears. Cut this shape out, and make sure to cut out eye holes so you can see.
Step #2:
Cut out two pink pieces shaped like your ears, just a little bit smaller. Glue these inside the ears.
Step #3:
Punch a hole on each side of the mask.
Step #4:
Pull apart a bunch of cotton balls. Glue these all over your mask to cover it completely.
Step #5:
Create a V shape with two pipe cleaners.
Cut another pipe cleaner in two and twist one half of it into the center of each V.
Glue these on the mask. Glue a pom pom on top of your whiskers.
Step #6
Thread a piece of string through each of the holes you punched in step three.
Step #7
Cut a circle out of cardboard. Pull apart some more cotton balls and glue them to cover the circle completely.
Step #8
Glue your clip or bobby pin to the back of the tail.
Now, put on your DIY Easter bunny costume and deliver tasty treats to all your family and friends!
They will not even know it’s you!
If you want to make an Easter religious crown this year then you should make my Holy week craft with Jesus
Print This Craft & Many More – Crafty Critters: Crafts to Go!”
We’ve made our site “to go”! No internet? No problem, we’ve got 100 crafts to go in a downloadable ebook!
Our best crafts, formatted for perfect one page printing or easy reading on a tablet.
Learn more & get your copy today! Crafty Critters: Crafts to Go
More Easy Kids Easter Bunny Crafts:
Deliver your treats in an Easter Treat Cup when you dress up. Or how about making a toilet paper roll Easter Bunny
Why not try some of my cute bunny coloring pages for even more fun!
These easy kids Easter crafts are not only a ton of fun to make, it gives hours of fun afterwards too… and can be put away and used every year! Start a tradition of dressing up like the Easter bunny, the same way as dressing up for Halloween.
Happy Crafting!
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Do you like this Easter Bunny Mask Craft?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!