Little kids generally love colouring in so I decided that I would make a post with all my best free animal colouring pages together!
This makes it so much easier for people to access the ones they want and to also find out about new ones I have recently added.
These cute animal colouring pages for free are sure to please kids (and adults) of all ages!
What to do with your free Animal Colouring Pages
You can print these in advance and use them for school projects to aid learning. Why not use them for Birthday parties, either during the party or as party favours.
You can use them to create wall displays or make greeting cards.
Why not use this animal colouring in for story telling. It is very easy to ask little children to write a few sentences about each of the pictures.
List of Animals Colouring In Pages Printable
I already have lots of different animal pictures for colouring in groups so I thought it be best to link to each post here. If you specifically want zoological, then check out my zoo animal coloring pages
Animal Colouring Pages for Kids
Little kids generally love colouring in so I decided that I would make a post with all my best animal colouring pages together! Printable Animal coloring pages for free!
Free Dragon colouring pages let kids enjoy this mystical fire breathing animal! Ten pictures of dragons to print and colour.
These cute elephant colouring pages are super duper adorable!! Why not print lots of copies and give some to your friends!
Who does not love puppy dogs?! If you cannot get enough puppy love, then why not print these cute pet animal colouring pages.
Free cat colouring pages for kids features kittens as well as full grown cats! Perfect for kitty cat owners!
Ladybug Coloring Pages – Free Printable Ladybird Pictures to Color
Okay not technically an animal, but a bug but these are so darn cute I had to feature them here! Ladybird colouring pages are popular during Spring and Summer!
Hands up all unicorn lovers! Unicorn colouring pages are perfect for a little girl's Birthday party!
Ocean colouring sheets do not come much better than these cute dolphin pictures! Why not stick them on your wall when they are completed?!
Fall colouring pages do not come much better than these turkey pictures! Use them to celebrate Thanksgiving!
I love my Artic penguins and these penguin colouring pictures prove this! Most of these actually have a Christmas theme so they make for a great Christmas card!
We all love bunnies, and not just at Easter! Enjoy my free bunny colouring pages all year long! Why not give each bunny a name after you finish coloring?!
Bright butterflies make for pretty colouring pages! These are perfect for Summertime, when the kids want a break from the hot sunshine!
More Animal Coloring Pages Ideas
Are there any other colouring pages of animals you would like to see? There are thousands of different animals worldwide, so it is impossible to feature all of these.
Hopefully in time I can build up a great collection of these.
Of course my site is also full of great animal crafts for kids and also drawing ideas.
Will you Print these Free Animal Colouring Pages for Kids?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!