Celebrate and tell Jesus’ story with these religious Easter crafts for kids. These are great for Sunday school or even at home during the school break.
These Christian Easter crafts for preschoolers and older kids include crowns and crosses!
Easter Christian Craft Ideas for Kids
Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. It is a more important meaning to Easter then just an Easter bunny.
Crafts for this part of the holiday revolve around Jesus and his resurrection; as well as Palm Sunday. If you want to make a craft for this day you should check out my Palm Tree Toilet Roll Craft
Don’t forget our other Easter crafts, like all these Easter bunny and chick ones:-
Toilet Paper Roll Easter Crafts – you are all stocked up on these so might as well use them!
Easter Egg Wreath Craft – make a paper wreath
Chick Craft with Cardboard – make a chick from cardboard
Religious Easter Crafts for Preschoolers
It can be difficult finding suitable Christian Easter crafts for preschoolers but there are lots of ideas out there. I particularly love my handprint lily flowers and my popsicle stick cross below as well as my paper plate resurrection craft shown here.
My crown Christian Easter crafts for Sunday school helps you to make a beautiful headpiece featuring Jesus. It is a very easy activity that can be made in less than 20 minutes.
What Other Christian Easter Crafts for Kids You Will Learn on This Page:
Palm Bracelet
Resurrection Cross
Hand Print Lillies
Palm Leaf Bracelet
Make a beautiful memento out of your Palm Sunday leafs.
These can be used to wear as a bracelet or can be left in one length and hung on the wall.
Another way is to create two – one a little shorter. Make them into a cross.
Craft Supplies:
Palm leaf from Palm Sunday
Step #1:
Separate three leaves of your blessed palm.
Step #2:
Weave them together, alternating overlapping on over the other
Resurrection Cross Popsicle Stick Craft
A nice decoration to hang on your wall and the perfect way to celebrate Jesus this Easter period.
Craft Supplies:
- Two popsicle sticks
- Piece of purple ribbon
- Green construction paper
- Glue
- Scissors
- Yellow construction paper
Step #1:
Glue the two popsicle sticks together in the shape of a cross.
Step #2:
Drape the piece of purple ribbon over the arms of the cross, and glue it in place.
Step #3:
Cut the green construction paper into the shape of a cloud (so it looks like bushes).
Step #4:
Cut small flowers out of the yellow construction paper and glue them on the green piece.
Step #5:
Glue the green bush to the bottom of the cross.
Hand Print Lilly Flowers
Lilly is the flower used on Easter in memory, create pretty ones with your hands. I absolutely adore pipe cleaner flowers and have made them before.
Craft Supplies:
- White Paper
- Green pipe cleaners
- Yellow pipe cleaners
- Pink pipe cleaner
- Pencil
- Glue
- Scissors
Step #1:
Trace out three hand prints on the white paper. Cut these out. Set aside.
Step #2:
Take three green pipe cleaners and attach a yellow pipe cleaner to one end. Curl the yellow one into a “U” around the green one. This is your stem and center yellow.
Step #3:
Take each hand print and curl then into a cone. Glue them.
Step #4:
Curl each finger outwards for petals.
Step #5:
Put the green pipe cleaner through the hole of the flower pulling down until the yellow is in the center of the handprint.
Tie the three green steams together with a pink bow
Easter is not only filled with candy, chocolate and Easter bunnies; it also has a very special religious meaning and these religious easter crafts for kids are a great way to bring that meaning to life.
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Do you like these Religious Easter Crafts for Kids?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!