Bear pencil topper crafts for kids are a fun way to bring nature and the animal kingdom to the crafting table. And with our bear pencil topper you can even bring this fuzzy bear to the classroom – atop your pen or pencil!
We have made a number of pencil toppers, all for special occasions or holidays. Well, this bear craft can be used at any time of the year!
Leprechaun Hat Pencil Topper – perfect for St Patrick’s Day
Love Bug Pencil Topper – ideal for Valentine’s Day
Easter Bunny Pencil Topper – lovely gift for someone on an Easter hunt
You can make a few different colored bears and change it up everyday. Why not give them as a gift to a friend or share them with your classmates.
These are a great bear craft for all ages.
How to make a Bear Pencil Topper
Craft Supplies:
- Pom Poms (large and small)
- Scissors
- Black marker
- Pipe cleaners
- Glue
- Googly eyes
- Pencil
Step #1:
Twirl your pipecleaner around a pen or pencil. Most pens are similar in size so this topper should fit most – and if not you can easily adjust with a simple bend.
Step #2:
Pick out the color of your bear and get a small pom pom for his snout. Draw a nose and mouth onto the pom pom.
Step #3:
Get another medium pom pom, either the same color or a similar one (we chose a darker brown).
Glue your snout onto the center of the pom pom. Add two more small pom poms to the top, for ears.
Lastly, add your googly eyes in between the ears and snout.
Step #4:
Glue your bear head onto one side of your twisted pipe cleaner.
Bear crafts for kids are a great way to learn the animal kingdom and now you can bring the animal kingdom, and this bear, to the classroom to teach your friends!
Print This Craft & Many More – Crafty Critters: Crafts to Go!”
We’ve made our site “to go”! No internet? No problem, we’ve got 100 crafts to go in a downloadable ebook!
Our best crafts, formatted for perfect one page printing or easy reading on a tablet.
Learn more & get your copy today! Crafty Critters: Crafts to Go
More Easy Bear Crafts for Kids Like This One:
Fuzzy Polar Bear Craft for Preschool – bear made from cotton wool and paper roll
Koala Bear Paper Plate Craft – adorable Mummy and Baby Koala in the jungle
Do you like this Bear Pencil Topper Craft?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!