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Mardi Gras Crafts for Kids

Celebrate carnival season with our mardi gras crafts for kids and these fun masks made out of paper plates. 

These crafts are nice and simple and great for any ages. If they are really young, pre-cut the paper plate and all they have to do is decorate!

mardi gras carnival mask craft


Mardi Gras or carnival season begins on, or just after Ephinany. There are normally large parades in New Orleans amongst other places! 

This is usually mid or end of February.

This celebration continues until Ash Wednesday.

It is a celebration prior to fasting. 

There are parades, parties, lots of colors and lots of fun! If you cannot attend one of the parades why not have your own mini celebration at home! 

How to Make a Mardi Gras Carnival Mask

Celebrate with your own mardi gras mask, made out of a paper plate!

Supplies: Bumble Bee Bookmark Craft Supplies:
  • Paper plate
  • Glitter paint
  • Paint brush
  • Pom poms
  • Ribbon
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Popsicle stick
  • Hole Punch
  • Scissors
  • Glue
Step 1: Bumble Bee Bookmark

Step #1:

Cut your paper plate in half.

In the center of the straig end, cut out a V shape for your nose.

Step 2: Bumble Bee Bookmark

Step #2:

Place the plate against your nose and use a pen to draw dots where your eyes will go.

Cut these out, large enough to be able to see.

Step #3:

Hole punch 8-10 holes along the top of your mask.

Step #4:

Place a pipe cleaner into each hole. Twist the end closest to the mask to hold it into place. 

Alternate colors and place a pipe cleaner into each hole.

Step #5:

Twirl each of the pipe cleaners. 

You can do this by wrapping the pipe cleaner around your paint brush end.

Step #6

Cut out 3-4 lengths of ribbon. 

Tie each of them to one end of your popsicle stick. 

Make sure they are all tied on one side of the stick so the other side looks neat and tidy.

Step #7

Use your scissors and run them along each piece of ribbon to make them extra curly.

Glue a pom pom to each end of the ribbon. 

Step #8

Decorate your mask with the glitter paint. 

The more coats of this paint you put the more sparkly your mask will be.

Step #9

Glue your popsicle to the bottom of your mask. Put it on whatever side is more comfortable for you to hold it. 

Make sure the knots of your ribbons are on the inside and the ribbon closest to the mask part. This will make sure your handle is easy to hold.

Now you are all ready for a grand celebration! Enjoy your parade in style!


Perhaps you might decide that you do not want a traditional Mardi Gras mask; instead you my opt for this cat mask paper plate craft that I show you.

Enjoy the celebration and have fun making these mardi gras crafts for kids. We would LOVE to see what you create, send us pictures of you wearing your mask. Our email is

Happy Crafting!

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