Crafting is fun with all the basic supplies but there are tons of fun craft gadgets too!
These are those nice to have tools when crafting that make it even more fun and interesting.
Cricut: This is another cutting machine. It uses cartridges – like Nintendo games. On each cartridge there is a set of graphics it can cut out. There are a number of different Cricuits for different applications.
Fiskars Cutting Tools: There are a lot of cutting tools in the Fiskars tools. All of their cutting tools are very sturdy and stay very sharp for quite a while. There are some that can cut through nearly anything.
Paper Crimper: This machine is like a roller. You feed the paper into the machine and turn the handle until the paper is out the other end. It will make an accordion out of your paper.
Cutting Mats: Mats are very handy to make sure you don’t cut through and onto your table. They are made in a number of different sizes and can stand up to quite a bit of torture before needing to be replaces.
Spirograph:These were a ton of fun as a kid. It is a system of circles with dots in them. You place a marker or pen in the dots and move the circle around the outer circle. As it goes it will create very pretty designs.
Shape Punchers: These are just like hole punches but instead of circles it make different shapes. They come in a bunch of sizes and shapes.
Paper Cutters: You can get straight paper cutters, these make mass cutting much easier.
Pinking Shears: These scissors will create jagged lines along your paper. They work well for paper mache as well.
Scissors: There are all kinds of scissors you can get that cut in different patters – like waves, squiggles, etc.
Puncture Scissors: These will create perforated lines, making folding paper easier.
This is just a short like of the long list of craft gadgets. Browse through your local craft store for many more neat gadgets.
You can use these for lots of different activities featured here on Easy Crafts for Kids
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Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!