My house is full of craft materials and one type we like to use all the time are easy pipe cleaner crafts for kids. These are brilliant as they come in a multitude of colors and they can be cut, bent and twisted to form almost anything.
Easy Pipe Cleaner Crafts for Kids
Pipe cleaners used to be called chenille stems and some stores still use this term. You can find these in all good craft stores, in toy shops and even supermarkets.
They are basically a long thin wire covered with fluffy colored material. I always find the shops store these in different colors depending on the season.
During Spring there is an abundance of pastel shades, at Christmas there are lots of green, red and gold and all year long you can get bright colors!
You can use these alone or use them in combination with other materials such as popsicle sticks, pom poms, colored craft papers, paper plates and toilet paper roll tubes to complete craft projects.
So what can you make with pipe cleaners?
I have made butterflies, flowers, Christmas tree ornaments, magnets and pencil toppers to name a few of my creations.
Easy pipe cleaner crafts for kids are so much fun! There are so many different things you can make with chenille stems. One of my most popular pipe cleaner crafts for Spring is this cute flower bouquet! You can make it very easy and only need different colored pipe cleaners. I made it in less than 10 minutes so it is a quick craft! Why not decorate a toilet paper roll and use it as a pretend vase for these! Fly away with us by making an adorable butterfly. You can make as many of these as you like and they are a great Spring craft for kids of all ages. This creepy spider craft is perfect for re-telling the story of Incey Wincy Spider or even to give someone a scare at Halloween. While this little guy's body is made from pom poms, his legs and antennae are made from pipe cleaners. Most of my animals crafts for kids have some pipe cleaners for wings or legs! This sparkly fairy wand is perfect for wannabe Princesses! It is so easy to make with only a few materials and of course needs pipe cleaners for the added glitz. Say Happy Christmas with a pretty Holly and Mistletoe pipe cleaner ornament for your tree. I also have instructions on how to make a pipe cleaner Christmas tree, star and snowflake. Heart pipe cleaner craft lets you make an adorable pencil topper perfect for Valentine's Day or anytime of the year. Girls might want to make these for their best school friends. Get into the mood of writing this Spring with a cute bug or flower pencil topper. I have an easy tutorial which shows you how to make all these cute Spring pipe cleaner pencil toppers. You will also need some pom poms and googly eyes for these. Never mind carving a pumpkin, who wants one on top of their pencil this Halloween? This little guy is super easy to make and will be the perfect pen or pencil accessory come the Fall months. Do you want to decorate your fridge or microwave this Spring? How about some weather themed Spring magnets. I can show you how to make a flower, cloud, umbrella and sunshine to brighten your day. Another cute magnet idea that is very easy to make with pipe cleaners is my butterfly. Make a pair or even more and decorate to your heart is content. Pipe Cleaner Crafts for Kids
You could glue your designs to the front of cardstock and make them into a Happy Birthday card! Alternatively you can use them for pretend play.
I do plan on making lots more things to share with you in the next few months.
Do you like these Pipe Cleaner Crafts for Kids?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!