Easy spider crafts are perfect for dull Spring days, or even coming up to Halloween. Why not use some of these ideas to give someone a fright on Halloween night!
One of the creatures I see almost everyday, if not several times a day is a spider! My kids love chasing them around and keeping them in containers, so I knew I had to get a list of awesome easy Halloween spider crafts for them to do whenever there are no creepy crawlies to play with.
In fact my little girl decorated a small cardboard and made a playground for her ‘pet’ spiders. She said the cardboard box was when the spider wanted a rest and the playground was for it to have some fun.
She had lots of colored craft papers stuck together with pipe cleaners on top of the spider to climb over!! Little kids and their imaginations never fail to amuse me!
These make great Halloween decor for your fancy dress party, plus they will not run away when chased! Remember Little Miss Muffet was scared and ran away from a spider!
These 8 legged critters can be made from toilet paper rolls, egg cartons, pom poms and other commonly used craft supplies.
These easy spider crafts are perfect for creating lots of the 8 legged creepy crawly. Ideal for Spring or Halloween and an animal learning theme at anytime of the year. This fluorescent spider is the perfect Halloween craft! He is so simple to make! All you need are some pipe cleaners, pom poms and googly eyes! Perfect spider craft for Preschool. If you want to make an awesome spider decoration for your home then this felt spider wreath is the perfect craft for your kids and you! Take felt, wrap it around a hoop, accessorize and wham you have a spider! If you like egg carton crafts you need to make this adorable spider! He comes with 8 pipe cleaner legs, but do not worry this little guy is not running away! I made him all black but there is no reason why you cannot make a rainbow spider or ones in various colors. This spider craft with bottle cap will help you make a spooky Halloween picture for a card or your bedroom wall. This simple craft is perfect for 3 and 4 year olds this Halloween! They will enjoy making this scary spider with lots of eyes and legs!! Make sure you get them to count the legs out for you and stick 4 on each side. I love cute toilet paper roll crafts like this. Want spider is complete without his web to live in?! This easy spider craft idea teaches kids how to make a web from string and a pipe cleaner spider! Why not ask little kids what spiders use their web for? You might be surprised at their responses. This little guy is much more adorable than the real thing especially since he wiggles around, hence why this blogger calls him the dancing spider! Paper plate crafts for kids are one of my favorites because our house is full of them and you can make so many awesome things by either cutting them into shapes or adding some craft supplies. This craft requires you to punch holes in a paper plate and let the kids weave yarn or string through the holes to make a 'web'. You can make a pipe cleaner spider or add a toy one, depending on the age of the child doing the activity! This little guy is nice and shiny due to his aluminium foil body! He is easy to put together and requires black cardstock for his legs. They are easy to fold into shape. If you are planning on holding a Halloween party why not get your kids to help you make some handmade spider invitations. Kids would love dabbing the paint on for the spider's body! These little guys sit perched in a playdoh tube. They are brightly colored and look great as a gift for a friend this Halloween. Moms will need to use the glue gun but kids can help by sticking the googly eyes onto the spider's face.. This Washi tape craft helps you create the perfect spider web. What more could you want this Halloween than some colorful spiders dangling about your head! Well now you can with this easy to make spider garland! What a great Halloween craft for kids! All you need are some egg cartons, paint, yarn and googly eyes. You can color and decorate your spiders however you wish! Who says spiders have to be all black and white, not this crafter! She has completed a beautiful rainbow spider web and shows you how to do this too, with her watercolors! Easy Spider Crafts
Paper Plate Spiderwebs: An Easy, Fun & Inexpensive Halloween Craft Idea
Some people have also requested an easy spider drawing so I will have to add this to my to do list!
Do your kids like creepy crawlies in general? If so what others would you like me to make. I already have an awesome list of buzzing bee crafts and a a cute walnut ladybug.
Have you any other Easy Spider Crafts that are not listed here?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!