Scraps of felt and pipe cleaners come together to make this adorable felt spider wreath craft! This is perfect for children during Spring or Halloween!
If you follow my craft ideas, you will know I absolutely adore making wreaths from various materials for every season of the year!
Already I have an adorable paper witch wreath and a Snowman winter wreath craft. Skip forward to March and kids are kept busy crafting my St Patricks Day Paper wreath and my Easter egg wreath.
The thing I love about making wreaths with my children is that not only are they great fun, but they make fabulous decor also.
Kids actually do a learning topic about spiders in school and during this themed week my children are always asking me to make some new spider crafts.
Previously we have made an egg carton spider and a bottle lid spider craft
This new spider craft idea is great for kid’s fine motor skills as they get to wrap black felt over a hoop to create a wreath. They then get to decorate this with googly eyes and pipe cleaners to complete the spider.
Scraps of felt and pipe cleaners come together to make this adorable felt spider wreath craft! This is perfect for children during Spring or Halloween! STEP 1 Gather all craft supplies. Remove the label from the embroidery hoop. Loosen the screw at the top of the hoop and separate the inside hoop from the outside hoop. Tighten the screw back up. Use one piece of the hoop now and save the other for another project. STEP 2 For this project, use the 9″ width of the Felt Craft Cuts. Make a stack of bits and pieces that are big enough. Randomly cut the scraps of felt into strips, some skinny and some fat, with scissors. Great scissor practise for little children. For this 4″ hoop you will need approximately 50 strips. Get your older kids aged 6 and above to count out 50! STEP 3 Start tying the strips of felt around the embroidery hoop in double knots. Use the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock marks as a starting point. That could be another tester for kids. I know my 5 year old has learnt about the hours on the clock but I am not sure she could point these out in the absence of numbers. Continue working around the entire hoop, pushing the strips together to get as many tied on as possible. The more scrap strips tied onto the hoop the fluffier the wreath will be. STEP 4 Wrap black chenille stem also known as a pipe cleaner around a pencil then slide off to reveal a coil. Repeat with remaining black chenille stems to create the spider’s legs. Cut a strip of black felt approximately ½” wide, trim the strip into 16 squares, and then into 16 circles. Glue two circles to one end of each coil, sandwiching the chenille stem in the center. Repeat with remaining felt circle pairs and spider legs. STEP 5 Flip the hoop to the back. Take one black scrap strip and fold over the screw, so that the tails are hanging down into the center of the hoop. Attach two large wiggle eyes, one on each tail with a glue gun and glue sticks. Trim excess black felt from under the eyes. STEP 6 Add a ribbon bow to dress up the spider and use twine as a hanger.
Felt Spider Wreath Craft for Kids
You can always change the color of the ribbon and use this at other times of the year.
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Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!