Nowadays a very important lesson to teach kids is to be kind and one great way to educate is my free kindness coloring pages. These can be completed at home, in school or even Sunday School. I think they would be a great idea during Mental Health week.
Print these Free Kindness Colouring Pages PDF
It costs absolutely nothing to be kind. I love to encourage my kids to be thankful and show gratitude to others. There are so many examples of kindness that do not have to cost money. Being kind is not all about giving expensive gifts.
One lesson I teach my kids is to help others and speak to little kids who may be having a bad day at school. I teach them to share their crisps and sweets at break time and to play games with someone who is always left alone.
My free kindness coloring pages printable can enhance this and provide other ways to show kindness. It can be simply telling someone you like their hair bow or their pretty dress, or telling them you like them.
I have showcased a few of my printable kindness colouring pages below and as always my free PDF is at the bottom of the page.
There are lots more cute printable cute coloring pages to enjoy on Easy Crafts for Kids
Use these a Be Kind coloring page to celebrate special days throughout the year. World Kindness Day is celebrated on November 13th annually and these would be great for kids to decorate on this day!
Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrated on February 17th. Mental Health Awareness week takes place in May in the UK and these would be a great idea during that particular week also.
Free Kindness Coloring Page for Kids
This free kindness colouring page for kids shows two children sharing toys. Don’t they look happy as if they are having a good time? Sharing is caring as they say. It is much more fun playing with others than by yourself.
Friendship Coloring Pages
Making friends is one example of a way to show free kindness! This little boy and little girl have met up at the park. They are making friends. They both look pleased although I think the girl was shy initially. I think they will play at the playpark.
They can go on the swing and slide. Another example of free kindness is taking turns on the swing and slide as there only appears to be one of each. They can push each other on the swing for extra fun.
Bee Kind Coloring Sheet
These buzzing bees are telling us to be (e) kind to each other! How many bees are on the page? Is the one in the middle the Queen Bee as she is much bigger? Have fun decorating this.
Flower Free Kindness Colouring Page
Giving flowers is a very kind thing to do. You do not always have to buy a fancy bouquet from the shop, instead you can pick a bunch of flowers from the wild or ones from your own garden (providing Dad allows you too) to give to a friend. Lots of people appreciate flowers and quite often they are the gift of choice when you want to show someone gratitude.
Why not demonstrate kindness and help other children get into that habit also. Adults should do this also as we all know our littles copy our behaviour.
Please find free kindness coloring pages below:-
Ask little kids what other ways they can be kind to others? If they like this they may also like my printable rainbow coloring page
Showing love is being kind, so why not decorate these heart coloring pages and give them to a friend.
Why not ask little kids for examples on how they have been kind to others? Encourage them to do something nice for someone every single day! How about baking some cupcakes and giving them to everyone in your class!
Will you print my Free Kindness Coloring Pages?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!