My gnome free printable Christmas cards to color are the perfect Christmas activity for little ones who want to make their own greeting cards this December.
Christmas is not all about getting presents and seeing Santa, it is about making lots of crafts including your own Christmas cards.
Why buy when you can make your own! Always great as you can add your own personal touches and messages too.
Previously I have made lots of cute pop up cards for Christmas. You can see a few of them below. These are another great idea if you have more time on your hands!
The gnome coloring card is awesome if you are short of time and the kids want to do something fun!!
What I normally do with my coloring pages is print them in advance and keep them in a drawer until I need them.
What does my Gnome Printable for Christmas Include
This includes 3 slightly different gnome cards to color. There are two with gnomes with patterned hats and one with a blank hat for kids to design themselves.
You can print as many copies of these as you wish. They would be a great idea for a Christmas party or even for a fun afternoon at school.
Encourage the kids to write their own message inside the card, i.e To and From. This can be a fun way to improve writing skills.
If you love everything gnome this Christmas then why not make my Gnome Christmas ornament which only requires a few materials from The Dollar Store.
This is one of my favorite free printable Christmas cards to color. I have other fun Christmas activities for you all including my wonderful list of free Christmas crafts and my Christmas word search puzzle.
I do have other Christmas coloring pages available which you could stick onto some cardstock and turn into a Christmas card! Check out my Santa Claus coloring sheets for inspiration.
Please find your gnome free printable Christmas cards to color PDF below:-
Do you like these Gnome Free Printable Christmas cards to color?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!