I love using cheap recycled materials to make kids crafts! My tutorial on how to make a paper dream catcher craft for kids does just that!
Easy paper crafts for kids are fabulous because they are so cheap to make! The other great news is that quite often you only need a few extra craft supplies to make something great! My paper dream catcher craft is an example of this.
Previously I have made a dream catcher from yarn and pipe cleaners
Follow my easy step by step tutorial will show you how to make a dreamcatcher out of paper. It also requires a few extra craft materials such as beads and string.
Kids can complete this with the help of a responsible adult.
Learn how to make a dream catcher out of paper Gather the supplies and print out the PDF templates. Cut out a square piece of colourful craft paper. Fold the paper in half. Then cut the paper using the template; this is to help you make a colored feather. Now make thin diagonal cut on the feather. Start cutting from the opened end but do not cut all the way to the closed end of the fold. You can see what I mean if you look at the image below. Make similar thin diagonal cuts all the way to the end of the feather. Open the fold and it will look like this:- Similarly, make a few more feathers in different colors. The colors you choose are up to individual choice. Take white cardstock paper. Cut out the bases for the dream catcher from the cardstock paper. Cut out colourful paper strips. Start gluing the colourful paper strips across the base. Finish gluing all the paper strips in whichever pattern you choose. Take the beads and thread. Insert colourful beads through the thread, tie a knot at the end so the beads stay in place.. Glue the paper feather at the end of the beaded thread. Similarly, glue rest of the feathers to the beaded threads. Now glue the threads on the base. Take the second base and glue it over the first base so it looks neat. Cut out the flowers from the templates and glue them on the base to decorate it.
How to Make a Dream Catcher Out of Paper
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Step 10:
Step 11:
Step 12:
Step 13:
Step 14:
Step 15:
Step 16:
Step 17:
Step 18:
Is there anything else you might want to add to it? You could add some sequins or glitter. You could even color the white rings a different color if you wish!
If you love this paper craft for girls, here are some others you may wish to try:-
Cinderella Paper Craft – make a cute paper doll which can be used for a pretty picture. You can also add a popsicle stick on the back to turn it into a puppet.
Summer Windmill that Spins – a fun paper craft for girls and boys
You will need the 3 free printable templates below to complete this craft:-
Dream catcher kids craft template 1
Dream catcher kids craft template 2
Dream catcher kids craft template 3
Do you now know How to Make a Dream Catcher Out of Paper?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!