My easy origami boat step by step will help you make your own paper boat with sail. Use this for decor or pretend play! One of my favorite easy Summer origami ideas for kids.
Origami boats can be made in different sizes, colors and styles, and they can be used as decorations, gifts, or even as toys to play with.
Find out how to make a paper boat below
Simple Boat Origami Step by Step – How to Make a Paper Boat in Under 30 minutes!
I love folding paper to make all sorts of things! Previously I have made origami butterflies and origami fish. I do plan on adding lots more things soon!
You can also do this in combination with my paper pirate ship craft if sea transport crafts are what you have in mind.
Why not make a cute paper boat in less than 30 minutes using your paper folding skills! You can add a sail and you have your own play pretend boat. Will you float it in the sink or just admire it?!
This boat origami for kids is rated simple to make compared to some of my longer tutorials.
How to Make an Origami Boat for Kids
The best thing about easy origami step by step is that it requires very few materials making it an expensive craft idea for kids.
- A rectangular sheet of craft paper
- Glue (optional).
- Scissors (optional).
- Colourful craft paper and card stock paper (for the flag).
Step by Step Origami Boat Easy
Step 1:
Start with a rectangular sheet of craft paper. If the paper has a colored side, make sure it is facing down.
Step 2:
Fold the paper in half horizontally to create a crease in the centre of the paper.
Step 3:
Fold the paper in half vertically to create another crease in the centre.
Step 4:
Bring the right edge of the paper towards the center crease line, folding it diagonally to create a triangle shape. Crease the fold well.
Step 5:
Repeat the previous step for the other edge of the paper, folding it diagonally to create another triangle shape. Crease the fold well.
Step 6:
Fold the bottom edge of the paper up to the bottom of the diagonal creases you made in in the last two steps.
Step 7:
Flip it over.
Step 8:
Repeat the step again fold the bottom edge.
Step 9:
Open the gap of the folded triangular shaped origami pieces.
Step 10:
Bring the top corners of the paper down towards the center of the paper, folding them along the diagonal creases on two sides and your origami boat should look as below.
Step 11:
This will create a diamond shape.
Step 12:
Fold the top layer of the bottom point of the paper up along the top edge of the paper to create a triangle shape.
Step 13:
Flip it over.
Step 14:
Repeat the process again. it will create a triangle shape.
Step 15:
Similar to step 9 open the gap in the middle.
Step 16:
Fold it along the two creases on to sides to create a diamond shape.
Step 17:
Gently pull the two sides of the boat apart to create a small opening.
Step 18:
Pinch the bottom corners of the boat and pull them down slightly to make the boat more stable. Your easy origami boat should now look as below
Step 19:
To make the flags cut out triangular colourful craft paper and a thin strip from cardstock paper.
How your origami boat with sail is complete!
Would you like more Summer origami tutorials featuring submarines, ships or maybe sea creatures? Let me know in the comments and I see what I can come up with for you all!
Printable Origami Boat Instructions
Use this origami boat with sail printable for use over and over again! Just remember to file it away somewhere safe.

How to Make an Origami Boat
My easy origami boat step by step will help you make your own paper boat with sail. Use this for decor or pretend play! One of my favorite easy Summer origami ideas for kids.
- A rectangular sheet of craft paper
- Glue (optional).
- Scissors (optional).
- Colourful craft paper and card stock paper (for the flag).
Step 1:
Start with a rectangular sheet of craft paper. If the paper has a colored side, make sure it is facing down.
Step 2:
Fold the paper in half horizontally to create a crease in the centre of the paper.
Step 3:
Fold the paper in half vertically to create another crease in the centre.
Step 4:
Bring the right edge of the paper towards the center crease line, folding it diagonally to create a triangle shape. Crease the fold well.
Step 5:
Repeat the previous step for the other edge of the paper, folding it diagonally to create another triangle shape. Crease the fold well.
Step 6:
Fold the bottom edge of the paper up to the bottom of the diagonal creases you made in in the last two steps.
Step 7:
Flip it over.
Step 8:
Repeat the step again fold the bottom edge.
Step 9:
Open the gap of the folded triangular shaped origami pieces.
Step 10:
Bring the top corners of the paper down towards the center of the paper, folding them along the diagonal creases on two sides.
Step 11:
This will create a diamond shape.
Step 12:
Fold the top layer of the bottom point of the paper up along the top edge of the paper to create a triangle shape.
Step 13:
Flip it over.
Step 14:
Repeat the process again. it will create a triangle shape.
Step 15:
Similar to step 9 open the gap in the middle.
Step 16:
Fold it along the two creases on to sides to create a diamond shape.
Step 17:
Gently pull the two sides of the boat apart to create a small opening.
Step 18:
Pinch the bottom corners of the boat and pull them down slightly to make the boat more stable.
Step 19:
To make the flags cut out triangular colourful craft paper and a thin strip from cardstock paper.
Will you make this Easy Origami Boat with Sail?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!