I love all things Spring especially butterflies! I have recently taught my kids how to origami Butterfly step by step so they can make some paper ones of their own, which actually will not fly away!!
My easy origami butterfly instructions with pictures will ensure you do not go wrong!
Butterfly Origami
As soon as March hits the kids and I love to explore nature outdoors. We love watching caterpillars grow into Butterflies!
While we wait for this to happen we do all sorts of fun spring crafts including my pom pom caterpillar!
I love origami and learning how to fold paper to make all sorts of things! Recently I made an easy origami cat for Halloween! The best thing about folded paper crafts is the fact you need very few materials!
My most recent craft is this cute Origami Butterfly Instructions.
You can learn how to make a butterfly by following my origami butterfly step by step procedure below (pictures included).
Find out how to fold paper and learn how to origami butterfly step by step. Simple tutorial that even kids can follow and make their own colorful butterfly Step 1: Take a piece of square paper. I’m using a 10 cm X 10 cm sheet. The larger the piece of paper, the larger your final butterfly will be, so it depends on the size you want them. Step 2: Fold the square paper diagonally on both sides and into half (both vertically and horizontally) to create creases. Step 3: Fold the paper along the diagonal folds and pushing the vertical and horizontal fold inside. Step 4: Flatten the folded paper which will form a triangle pattern on both sides. Step 5: Fold the triangle pattern into half vertically. Cut the open end corner of the folded paper into a round corner. You can see this below. Step 7: Unfold the last half fold. Take the top flap from either side, keeping the bottom flap flat. Fold the top flap towards the middle line of the triangular pattern and flatten the folded paper nicely. Fold and flatten the other side the same way. Turn the current paper pattern over to the other side Step 11: Fold up the bottom end of the paper all the way to the top end. A small amount of paper on the top should cross over the top end as you can see below. Turn the paper pattern to the other side again. Step 13: Fold the extra paper on the top towards the front side and tighten the fold nicely with the rest of the paper pattern. You can apply glue on the small part to keep the fold from getting loose. Cut out 2 small pieces of paper strips (antennas) and stick them on the top side of the paper origami butterfly.
How to Origami Butterfly
Step 6:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Step 10:
Step 12:
Step 14:
Honestly these are so pretty in their bright colors. I can actually imagine using these a decor for a Summer wedding. They would look great scattered on a table in your color theme.
You could add stripes, glitter or sequins to make them look different.
Butterfly origami is one of my favorite Spring craft ideas. Maybe I may attempt some caterpillar origami sometime soon.
If you have made these please let me know how they turned out!
Want even more of this type of craft then check out my easy origami step by step for details of all my new projects; some for beginners and some for older kids!
If you love this pretty insect you may also enjoy my printable coloring pages butterfly
Do you know how to Origami Butterfly?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!