I just love all things pirate, and this paper plate pirate craft with movable eyepatch went down well with my 4 and 6 year old!!
As soon as Summer comes we open up out selection of pirate crafts for kids!! I am always looking to add to my current list and my latest creation is my favorite! I still have to make one from popsicle sticks but I will save that for another day!
My 6 year old and I decided to take a paper plate and turn it into a cool pirate, but not any old pirate! We made one that has an eyepatch that moves!
I have lots more ideas for easy pirate crafts for kids if you would like to make ships, a small pirate and even a hat!
If you have someone in your house who likes coloring how about doing my pirate color by number?
Check out my craft video and then follow my step by step process to make your own!
Say ahoy now with this paper plate pirate craft with moving eyepatch! Step 1: Grab all the listed supplies and print out your templates to get started with this craft. Step 2: Take the skull and glue it in the middle part of the pirate's hat. Step 3: Then, glue the hat to the head. Take the two eyes and glue them right under the pirate's hat. Step 4: Now take the beard, and then glue it on the bottom of the face. Step 5: Take the moustache and mouth and glue them above the beard. Step 6: Select your paper plate according to the size of the pirate. Step 7: Use a pair of scissors to make slits on the bottom edge of the paper plate. Step 8: Make to parallel cut on the opposite side as well. Step 9: Place the pirate inside the paper plate. Step 10: Put the pirate's eye patch through the slits. Attach a popsicle stick to one end of the eye patch.
Paper Plate Pirate Craft with Movable Eyepatch
If you like crafts with moving parts then you should make my moving space rocket craft or my rolling wave ocean craft.
Before you rush off to make this awesome pirate you might want to print off my free PDF template
Staying on this theme maybe you might want to try some of my printable pirate coloring pages for kids
Do you like this Paper Plate Pirate Craft with Movable Eyepatch?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!
Arts and Bricks
Tuesday 15th of June 2021
This is a REALLY cute Pirate Craft! So simple and doable for elementary-aged kids. The movable eye patch makes this kid's craft extra unique. I find that my kiddos get obsessed with something - like pirates, because of the LEGO Pirate Ship set, and then draw, build, sculpt -- you know just keep creating what is on their mind. I'm definitely sharing this craft with my kiddos!!!