Spring Chick Craft for Kids
A great chick craft for kids this Spring that just fills the room with new life.
This is the season when all kinds of little critters are born (or hatched) and my craft reflects this!
Spring brings life back to nature. It is the time of new beginnings!
This is the time of year we see all kinds of new life in the wild life as well.
We’ve created a hatched little chick. It’s simply an egg carton for an egg and a cute little pom pom chick.
This little bird can be taken out of his egg too, teach him to walk around. He can be a pretend pet for your kiddies.
Spring is always filled with rainy days, and kids are not fun when they are bored. Print out a bunch of these Spring Activities for Kids and have them on hand when boredom strikes.
Do not forget to check out my list of cute chick crafts for Spring and Easter
Little Spring Chick Craft
This spring craft for kids is a fun way to bring new little lives to the crafting table too! I have made step by step craft as easy as possible for you with lots of images along the way. You only need a few common craft materials which are likely lurking in your cupboards.
Craft Supplies:
- Egg carton
- White paint
- Paint brush
- Pipe cleaners (yellow and orange)
- Yellow pom poms
- Googly eyes
- Scissors
- Glue
Step #1:
Cut out one section of your egg carton.
Cut it to look like a broken eggs.
Step #2:
Paint your egg carton shell white.
Set it aside to dry while we make our chick.
Step #3:
Glue the two yellow pom poms together.
This will be the body of your baby chick.
Step #4:
Take two small pieces of yellow pipe cleaner and bend them in half.
Glue these to each side of the body for your wings.
Step #5:
Create a V shape out of a small piece of orange pipe cleaner.
Glue this on the top pom pom as your chick’s beak.
Step #6
Add your googly eyes above its beak.
Just place your little chick into its egg and you are all set!
More Easy Crafts Like This One:
Make a fun bumble bee bookmark with a popsicle stick and some crafting foam!
Another fun magnet to add to the fridge, learn our butterfly crafts for kids!
A great way to bring the new spring life to the crafting table too!
Do you like this Spring Chick Craft?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!