These FREE summer crafts are great for all ages, and let you make a sun paper plate craft with handprints. They do not involve very many materials.
All you need is a paper plate, paint, construction paper and your hands to make your very own sun handprint craft!
Handprint Sun Craft for Kids
A very ‘hands on’ craft, and each one will have a different personality because no one’s hands are the same shape and size.
Of course, add your own “look” to your sun.
We made a “cool” dude sun by adding sunglasses instead of eyes.
These summer crafts for kids will create a bright and fun decoration for any location!
Even on the rainy summer days you can have a little sunshine in your life!
Hang this on your bedroom wall whenever you finished so that you can wake up on a sunny morning every day! One of my favorite paper plate crafts for Summer
If you love using your ‘hands’ for crafting then check out my best handprint crafts for kids
Sunny Hand Prints – How to Make a Paper Plate Sun Craft
Get your hands ready and let’s get to crafting!
Craft Supplies:
- Paper plate
- Construction paper (orange and yellow in color)
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Markers or Paint
- Glue
- Your hands
Age Recommendation:
4 years and up
Time to Complete:
30-45 minutes
Step #1:
Color or paint the paper plate to the color you want your sun. Most of the time, unless you want to be creative, the sun will be yellow. Once it is all painted, set it aside to dry.
Step #2:
Take the orange and yellow construction paper and trace your hand print onto each paper 4 times. These 8 hands will be your sun rays.
Step #3:
Cut out all of your hand prints. If younger children have an adult or older sibling cut these out.
Step #4:
Using markers or paint, decorate a face onto your sun. For our example, we gave our sun some cool shapes.
Step #5:
Lay out your handprints in a circle, they will cover all the way around the sun face you created.
Glue all the hand prints around the sun face. Alternate the yellow and orange hand prints.
Now that we are all complete, take a pin and brighten up a room with these on the wall!
If you are making lots of them in a classroom kids can all make theirs slightly different, by adding different expressions and choosing different colors of handprints.
More Summer Handprint Crafts
If this sun craft has got you in the mood for making more Summer handprints then keep reading!
My beautiful butterfly handprint art is ideal for little children who love pretty colors!
Why not enjoy making my ladybug handprints this Summer.
Print This Craft & Many More – Crafty Critters: Crafts to Go!”
We’ve made our site “to go”! No internet? No problem, we’ve got 100 crafts to go in a downloadable ebook!
Our best crafts, formatted for perfect one page printing or easy reading on a tablet.
Learn more & get your copy today! Crafty Critters: Crafts to Go
More Free Summer Crafts for Kids
Why not make your own tissue paper campfire if you like to go camping!
How to make a Paper Windmill that spins – gorgeous pinwheel craft that is perfect for those days on the beach
Bumble Bee Bookmark Craft – keep your page while reading on the beach
Ocean Crafts for Kids – animals, plants, boats and more beach crafts for kids this Summer
Do you like this Sun Paper Plate Craft?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!