All little kids love The Three Little Pigs craft and this makes the story even better!! Everyone loves how the clever little pig outsmarts the Big Bad Wolf at the end.
Paper crafts are very easy accompanied by templates and use very few craft supplies. I have stacks in my locker to keep children entertained while they spend lots of time at home over the holidays.
I adore crafts that involve pretend play or story telling afterwards! If you like this too you might want to check out some of my other ideas such as my Paper Bag Animal Puppets and my Cardboard Medieval Castle.
Activities and crafts like these really encourage little children to be creative and use their imagination; such a great way for them to learn!
This particular craft will help you tell the story of The Three Little Pigs who built their houses from different materials; one used straw, one used timber, one used bricks, and how the Big Bad Wolf blew two of the houses down. Finally the third Little Pig and his brick house defeated the wolf!
The Three Little Pigs craft with the Big Bad wolf, helps you tell kids the famous story, after completing the paper craft. I decided to break this step by step craft procedure into the house, pigs and finally the Big Bad Wolf. Step1: First, cut out the house shapes from the PDF templates. Remember in the story we have 3 houses to create, a straw one, a timber one and a brick one. Step 2: Let’s start with the brick house (it is the one with a chimney on the right hand side of the roof as you look at it). Use a dark red marker pen to draw outlines on the house. Now fill in the roof using the marker pen, and draw brick shapes on the rest of the house. Step 3: Next complete the straw house. You can keep this simple and make it using yellow craft papers. Use the black marker to draw door at the front. Use a picture of the completed craft as a guide. Step 4: Finally complete the brown timber house, using the brown craft paper. Draw lines to illustrate the fact the house is made from wood. Pig Process: Step 1: Cut out the 3 pig shapes from the PDF Template. Step 2: Now take a black marker pen to draw outlines on the pig as shown in the picture. Step 3: Finish it off by drawing the pigs face and mouth using more marker pens. Big Bad Wolf Process: Now, use the PDF template once again to cut out the wolf. Step 2: Similarly, like the pig, use a black marker pen to outline the wolf Step 3: Then draw the wolfs eyebrows, ears and nose using the marker. Step 4: Finish it off by glueing the eyes and teeth of the wolf. This complete The Three Little Pigs craft.
The Three Little Pigs Craft
House Process:
Step 1:
Before you go please remember to print out your free template to help you complete this craft – it contains the outline of the three little pigs, their houses and the Big Bad Wolf:-
Three Little Pigs Craft Template
Other Animal Crafts for Kids
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Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!