I love making flowers all year long, and my toilet paper flower craft ideas are super easy! Why not make them as a gift for your Grandmother or school friend!
These toilet paper roll crafts flowers are super simple to make with an old roll and some bright construction paper!
Toilet Paper Roll Crafts Flowers
I normally do seasonal crafts with my children and as soon as February hits we start making lots of Spring themed crafts!
One of our favorites are easy flower crafts! There are so many different ways to make these such as my pipe cleaner flower bouquet, which is a fabulous handmade gift for Mother’s Day or even Mum’s Birthday by the way (I am a Mom so I know!)
If you want some more ideas check out my brilliant list of flower crafts for kids
My toilet paper roll flower crafts step by step process below will help you make some cute pretty flowers.
If you you just adore using these sort of craft materials then you need to try one or maybe even all of my 50+ toilet paper roll crafts
How to Make Toilet Paper Flowers
My toilet paper roll flower crafts step by step process below will help you make some cute pretty flowers. First you need to print out the templates. Then cut out the flowers and their pedicels from the templates using colourful craft papers. You can use the black and white template and the kids can select which colors to use for the flowers. Then glue the pedicels in the middle of the flowers. Cut out a green rectangular piece of craft paper according to the length and width of your toilet paper roll. Then also cut out the leaves using the templates and green craft paper. Cover the paper roll using the green craft paper, glue it to secure the wrap. Now, glue the leaves on the two sides of the toilet paper roll. Finally, glue the flower on top of the paper roll.
Toilet Paper Flower Craft
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Basically you can use any color you like, for example, you might want to make red ones for Valentine’s Day!
Please print my free PDF Templates to help you complete these:-
Toilet Paper Flower Template Color
Toilet Paper Flower Craft Template Blk/White
Will you try a Toilet Paper Flower Craft?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!