Now that December is upon us there is no better time to do some winter paper plate crafts for kids! There are lots to choose from paper plate Polar bear to Christmas trees, penguins, and Snowmen to name a few!
Paper Plate Winter Crafts for Kids 2023
In my opinion the Winter months are the best time to do crafts. I mean you do not feel guilty not being outside as it is way too cold, and sometimes dangerous when it is really icy!
You know that paper plates are so versatile and there are so many things you can create with them! Add a splash of paint or two! Cut them up, stick things on, do some coloring!
I bought a pack of 100 white paper plates for a dollar and these have led to endless hours of fun for my kids.
We talked about Winter and I asked them what sort of things they would expect to see during this season! Mainly the said snowmen and snowflakes!
I then asked them about wildlife during the Winter and how there are far less insects roaming around. They love my collection of bee crafts, but these insects are completely absent during Winter due to lack of flowers and sunlight!
Other things they mentioned included igloos, polar bears and skiing! I am not sure I have seen any skiing crafts but I might have to create my own sometime.
I asked a few of my favorite crafters for some of their ideas and I have compiled a list of easy paper plate Winter crafts!
Of course you can mix n match these ideas and come up with your own!
These Winter paper plate crafts will help your kids unleash their creativity this Winter whilst taking a break from the cold outdoors! This cotton ball Eskimo paper plate craft is super duper easy thanks to my free template, which lets you cut out his facial features! Preschool kids will love sticking cotton wool balls around the edge of the plate. Encourage them to use their fine motor skills to cut out the hairline and eyes from the template. The end result is this adorable Eskimo. He is one of my favorite Winter crafts for kids! Nothing says Winter more than this adorable paper plate Winter scene that looks like it has come straight from the North Pole. Find a printable template to help you make my adorable penguin complete with woolly hat in the middle of a pair of trees laden with snow. This snow globe paper plate craft features a folded Christmas tree in the centre. It is an ideal December craft for kids. You could also add some small pieces of cotton wall in the blue skyline to give the impression that it is snowing. Everyone loves making a Snowman whether it's the real thing or a craft version! This is similar to my melted snowman craft except it is done on a paper plate! Why not use it to educate kids what happens to snow when the temperature rises outdoors! This Winter animal craft is so easy to make! It only requires a few materials and comes with a free template to help you! This is suitable for preschool kids, who can help color the plate and put the polar bear face together! Why not make this alongside my Polar Bear Toilet Paper Roll craft. This would make a pretty picture to hang on your wall! It is such a simple Winter craft idea featuring some paper plates and colored yarn! This is an easy step by step craft procedure to help you create the snowflake picture. Little kids may not be able to do this because you do need a needle, however age 7 and older should be able to do it. We all know I love snowflake crafts so this will be another one to add to my to do list! This cute penguin paper plate craft is simple with the use of the free template and tutorial provided! I love paper plate animal crafts Young kids will be able to join in the fun as some painting is required. Mum can help with the cutting and sticking together of the template! This adorable Snowman craft is perfect for school aged kids! It requires two paper plates as opposed to one. It involves threading some yarn a well as sticking down the snowman's facial features, so is good for fine motor skills. Pom pom animals are super duper cute for Winter, or any time of the year actually! This little penguin is part of a wreath craft! Winter Paper Plate Crafts for Kids
PomPom Penguin Paper Plate Wreath Craft for Kids - Red Ted Art - Make crafting with kids easy & fun
If snow is on your mind you can do these easy Snowman crafts for preschool
Can you think of any other great Winter crafts with paper plates? You can use your completed ideas as pictures for the wall or gifts for friends!!
Which of these Easy Winter Paper Plate Crafts for Kids is your favorite?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!